About MJ

profile pic1Madhu J is a technologist, writer, art lover. He grew up in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India, with an amazing and supportive family who gave independence and interdependence respecting the interest and keeping up the values in the society. Although it is a christian born family was adopted with the more theological way of living and respect to the laws and other religions. He worked in TCS, Capgemini previously as a Software consultant and a upcoming writer working on the new ways of epic writing including the book, script and movie kind of titles.
Currently working in Cognizant as a Software consultant in the emerging technologies on the platforms like Java, SAP. He has good knowledge to develop software and followed all the essential software practices with the certifications. As a hobby, he plays the strum oriented chord spanish guitarist trying to cry his heart with the use of the six strings of guitar by playing, learning and developing innovative ways to learn music. He is very innovative, entreprenueral and hardworking ready to take up the job. So learn, contribute, stay conneted.

Thanks for reading!!
Madhu J